Concession Stand Information & Signup
- One 4 hour shift in the concession stand is equal to 1 DIBS credit.
- You MUST be 16 years old to work the concession stand. If you sign up to work you are responsible for that shift and you MUST find a replacement.
- For the list of individuals who will work your concession stand shifts for a fee follow this link --> Work for Hire. You are responsible for working out the details with them & payment.
- Green Bay Gambler 50/50 raffle shifts are also available for 1 credit per person. You also get free entrance into the game. The Gambler 50/50 Night will be January 27th.
- At the end of the year, for any credits you are short or have signed up for and not worked (no show) you will be charged $150.00 for each credit short.
- Once you claim a shift, it is your responsibility to fulfill that obligation. You can have a friend, relative or employee work your credit on your behalf. If a credit obligation is scheduled but not worked, your credit check will be cashed.
- If you are unable to work, please find a replacement and notify the Concession Stand Coordinator ASAP. It is YOUR responsibility to find someone to work for you!
- If you have issues please contact Joni Gegare or Ashley Gauthier (listed on this page) and not the CCC.
- If you sign up for MORE than 1 shift to be completed at the same time, YOU MUST HAVE the same number of people working. For example, if you sign up for (2) shifts at the same time on the same day (8:00am-2:00pm), There should be (2) people in concessions - EACH person MUST sign the log. DO NOT sign the log for another individual.
- IF YOU LEAVE the concession stand and NO ONE else is in there, YOU MUST lock the door.
- During your shift: ALL shifts!
- Restock product during downtime
- Keep Counters clean and wiped down
- Sweep floor
- At the end of the night, please follow the closing procedures in the binder, as well as the following:
- Money should be counted and deposited in the safe with the deposit slip completed.
- Register SHOULD BE turned OFF and the key taken out.
- All appliances, counters, etc NEED to be CLEANED.
- Floor should be swept.
- Product restocked.
- LOCK the DOOR when you LEAVE.
- REMEMBER - NO ONE comes in after the last shift or at the end of the weekend to clean up after you.